Tuesday 1 March 2011

Fun and Good

Yeah !! Good news from my WY about his bonus increment this morning.. :)

Last weekend was fun and great except of burning my own knee.

We went for movie at Pavilion. And people-watching. Well, we do enjoy people-watching in the mall. Haha. I love BURLESQUE.. Wow.. Cher's "Last Of Me" is my favourite song.

Enjoy this song :)

Two hungry cows before the movie.. LOL

Oh ya.. And we had Satay Kajang for dinner.. Gosh.. I'm supposed to have strict diet for my slimming mission.. It is simply irresistible!!!!

Ramly Burger~

I have been craving for these quite sometime. And finally WY decided to cook it for me. Wow.. It makes me feel so loved.. Thanks darling...

This is soooo lovely~

He must be too hungry!!! 

Let me bitch talk a bit on the burning part. Stupid incident of the day. My knee get burned by the iron.. YES.. Iron on knee. I was kinda lazy to take out the iron board and decided to iron my top on the bed. Accidentally IRONED myself my right knee. Sigh~

Looking forward to the weekend again.. Oppss.. Today is just the beginning of the week..
Wedding diary continues with photographer hunting :)

~Hugs & Kisses~

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