Monday 5 March 2012

Fatty Cows are back!

Good morning guys! :p
Wow, it has been quite a awhile since I last update.
Fatty and myself came back from our honeymoon on 26th February. 
More than a week. And I OWE updates on the hoenymoon. 
Let see if I can make it done asap. 
Oh well, better for me not to promise anything YET. Haha
We registered for SCKLM! Time for some real training. :p

Today (5-March) is my first day of work at bpc solutions Sdn Bhd. I've finally out from programming/development/technical field. It was totally a tough decision for myself as I need to let go few things especially on salary wise. Speaking of salary, I am starting my this new job as a fresh graduate. Really hope this is going to be what I am looking for. Waking up early in the morning and stuck in the traffic jam are my new routine. :)

bpc provides digital services solution. There are few programmers (they are in dotnet and flash skills) here. I am working as Social Media Conversationalist (job title). I usually explain to people about online branding. Haha. Glamour sikit and in fact, way easier to explain. Being a programmer for more than 2 years, I can easily recognized 'them'. I mean who are programmers and who are not. Say me bad but it is quite true especially company having the casual attire policy. Need not to elaborate more on that. :p

Looking forward to get involve with the team. Everyone is working 'hard' I guess. One guy reading 9gag since he came in. Another girl who came in late was wearing shorts. Yes. Shorts to the office. Now I know what does Adrian the director meant by 'Fashion is permitted in the office'. Lol. Ok wait, another guy is speaking with his thick accent. Wondering if he is saying it naturally or faking it? Still waiting to be assigned. And I might have more time to update my blog. Great deal isn't? Shhhhh~
